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generation generation英语读音

Iberdrola: at the forefront(走在前沿的) technological advances in renewable energy(可持续能源的科技进步)

One firm pioneering(倡导) technological advances(科技进步) in renewable energy(可再生能源) in Kenya is Spain’s largest energy group, Iberdrola. Thanks to a strong and rapid process of internalisation, Iberdrola(西班牙伊维尔德罗拉公司)is now one of the five largest European electric companies (电力公司)by stock market capitalisation and supplies energy to 120m people.

Headquartered in(总部在) Bilbao, the last decade has seen(过去十年见证了) the firm rapidly expand(见证了这家公司的快速扩张) its operations around the world, and it has grown to have total assets(总资产) worth(价值) €92.5bn and more than 30,000 employees. Subsidiaries(子公司) of the firm include Scottish Power, Iberdrola USA and Brazil’s Elektro, and the company’s largest shareholder(最大的股东) is the Qatar Investment Holding group.

Its core businesses(核心业务) revolve around(以什么为中心) power generation(发电), gas and electricity supply(燃气和电力的供应), with a combined installed capacity of over 45,000MW worldwide, with a balanced, efficient, and well-diversified generation portfolio that assures its ability to respond to any energy situation.

Its decisive and pioneering commitment to the development of renewable energy, especially wind power, the use of cleaner generating technologies, and respect for the environment, have been one of the central pillars(中心支柱) of Iberdrola’s growth over the last 10 years, as well as one of the key factors of the group’s strong international expansion. Iberdrola is currently the world leader in renewable energy(可再生能源的世界领导者), an industry in which it already has an installed capacity(装置容量) of nearly 14,250MW.

Iberdrola is noted for(因什么而被熟知) its commitment to sustainability(致力于可持续发展), and was recognised on the Dow Jones Sustainability Index last year, which is the main international benchmark(国际标准) for measuring how companies contribute towards sustainable development, with over 72 percent of its installed capacity and 83 percent of its energy production in Spain emissions free.

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作者: tiger



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