首页 栏目10 时尚潮流的英文 潮流时尚的英语

时尚潮流的英文 潮流时尚的英语

201. deserve the attention/praise 值得关注;应该得到表扬

202. develop the team spirit培养团队精神

203. devote oneself to doing sth.=be dedicated/committed to doing献身 于做某事

204. die down逐渐平息

205. die of a heart attack死于心脏病

206. die out=be extinct灭绝

207. distinguish.. from... (a distinguished scholar知名学者)区分

208. divide... into...把...分成

209. do harm to .....有害处

210. do nothing but do除 了...什么也不做

211. do sb. a favor=lend sb. a hand帮助某人

212. do good to.... 对....有好处

213. drive sb. mad 把某人逼疯

214. driver&39;s license=driving license驾照

215. drop in on sb./ at sp.顺便拜访

216. drop out of school辍学

217. enable sb. to do使某人能..

218. end up with=end up doing .....告终

219. earn one&39;s living谋生

220. earn one&39;s reputation赢得声誉

221.eat one&39;s word(break one&39;s promise)食言

222. eliminate sb. from the match把. ..淘汰出赛

223. emergency measure紧急措施

224. enjoy a growing/high reputation名声鹊起;享有盛名

225. enhance one&39;s reputation提高声望

226. enter for/ sign up for/enroll in/register for报名参加

227. entertain sb. with sth.=treat sb. to sth.用....来招待某人

228. environment friendly concept环境友好型理念

229. equip sb. with sth. 用...装备某人

230. escape from (have a narrow escape九死一生) .....逃离

231. escape being punished 逃脱惩罚

232. exchange A for B 用A交换B

233. expect too much of sb. 对..期待过高

234. express/voice one&39;s own idea各抒己见

235. extensive reading泛读

236. fall behind sb. in在..落后于...

237. far from enough/satisfactory远远不够/远不尽如人意

238. farewell party告别晚会

239. fast/sound sleep 酣眶

240. fatal mistakes致命错误

241. feel at ease 感到轻松

242. fight against/struggle with与...争

243. fierce competition激烈竞争

244. figure out 算出, 弄清楚

245. find an excuse找借 口

246. financial crisis金融危机

247. fix one&39;s eyes on=with one&39;s eyes fixed on紧盯着

248. flood/earthquake-stricken area/victim(disaster area)洪水、地震灾区(民)

249. focus on集中

250. follow one&39;s example (set an example for ..做榜样,follow one&39;s advice 遵照建议, follow suit依葫芦画瓢) .以...为榜 样

251. follow the fashion 赶时髦

252. food for thought应 思考的问题

253. food safety/poisoning食品安全;食物中毒

254. for free=free of charge免费地;无偿地

255. for the sake of为 了...利益

256. forgive sb. for ...而原谅某人

257. form/develop/get into the habit of养成某种习惯

258. frankly speaking=to be frank老实说

259. from the bottom of one&39;s heart从心底里, 发自内心地

260. from door to door挨家挨户

261. further one&39;s study深造;进修

262. further notice进一步通知

263. get across横过; 穿过

264. get down to doing 开始认真对待

265. get along well with=be on good terms with跟..相处融洽

266. get in the way挡道, 妨碍

267. get lost 迷路

268. get over the illness从疾病中恢复

269. get straight A&39;s 成绩全优

270. get through with 完成

271. give...a lift ....搭便车

272. give away/let out a secret 泄露秘密

273. give out 分发

274. give rise to引起; 推波助澜

275. give way to让位于, 对...让步

276. give up halfway半途而废

277. glance at 瞥一眼,匆匆一看

278. go after追求

279. go from bad to worse每况愈下

280.go in for从事于, 报名参加

281. go on a diet节食

282. go through a difficult time经历困难时期

283. go through fire and water 赴汤蹈火

284. go with 伴随; 与..... 协调

285. graduate with highest honors以优异的成绩毕业

286. graduation ceremony毕业典礼

287. grasp the main idea of领会大意

288. greet sb. with a smell笑脸相迎

289. green/fresh hand新手

290. hand out/in分发; 上交

291. handle stress缓解紧张

292. have a gift/ talent / genius for有 ...的天赋

293. have a good/ poor opinion of=speak highly/ ill of ....评价高/低

294. have a good command of精通

295. have a heated discussion/debate激烈讨论、辩论

296. have a lot/something/nothing in common有很多、一些/丝毫没有共同之处

297. have a passion for酷爱

298. have a word with sb. .和..... 说话

299. have free/easier access to 免费、轻松享受

300. have an impact/influence/effect on .对....有影响、 效果

301. have difficulty/trouble/problem (in) doing 做...有困难

302. have faith / confidence in=be confident of .....有信心

303. have influence on 对....有影响

304. have no choice but to do别无选择

305. have/ show respect for尊敬某人

306. head for驶向,走向

307. heart and soul=whole-heartedly全心全意

308. honestly speaking=to be honest老实说

309. hold a firm belief in=be firmly believe 坚信

310. hole the view/argue/maintain that认为

311. hold back one&39;s tears阻止,忍住眼泪

312. hunt for a job找工作

313. host the Olympics主办奥约会

314. improve the living standards改善生活水平

315. in (the) presence/ face of当着...的面

316. in a loud voice大声

317. in a way=to some extent/degree在某种程度上

318. in addition to除...之外 (还)

319. in advance提前

320. in all 总共

321. in any case无论 如何

322. in brief/short简而言之

323. in case of万一

324. increasingly difficult日益艰难

325. in danger of 处.....的危险中

326. in detail详 细地

327. in no time立刻

328. in order 按顺序;整齐;状况良好

329. in other words 换句话说

330. in particular尤其,特别

331.in poor health身体 不好

332. in private 私下里

333. in public当众; 公开地

334. in pursuit of追求

335. in reality 实际上,事实上

336. inspire sb. to do鼓励..做

337. in search of 对....的搜寻

338. in season/off season当季\淡季

339. in spite of=despite(the fact that)不顾,不管

340. in terms of 在...方面

341. in the course/process of .在....的过程中

342. in the form of .....的形式

343. in the long run/term从长远看

344. in use 使用着

345. inform... of....通知某人某事

346. insist on=persevere in= stick to坚持

347. intend to do sth.(be intended/meant for/ to do旨在)打算做某事

348. isolated area隔离区

349. invest time/money in在.. .投资时间、金钱

350. inspect the school 视察学校

351. It is good/bad manners to do做.. .是有/没有礼貌

352. judge from .从.....判断

353. job interview(interviewer面试官)面试

354. Job vacancy(a vacant position)职位空缺

355. jump the queue 插队

356. keep.. .at a distance 与...保持距离; 敬而远之

357. keep.. .doing(keep/discourage/prevent sb. from doing 阻止某人做某事) 让某人一直做

358. keep/bear..in mind牢牢记住

359. keep an eye on 照看

360. keep a balance between work and play 劳逸结合

361. keep/get in contact with与...保持、 取得联系

362. keep off 让开;不接近

363. keep one&39;s promise 信守诺言

364. keep pace with the times与时俱进

365. keep sb. company陪伴某人

366. keep to 遵守(计划、时刻表等);信守(诺言等)

367. keep up with跟上(人、潮流、形势等)

368. kill/ pass time消 磨时间

369. knock down 撞到;击倒

370. lack sth.=(a) lack of sth.缺乏

371. latest news最新消息

372. lay a foundation for 为....奠定基础

373. lay/ place/ put emphasis/ importance/stress on强调, 重视

374. lead to 导致; 通向

375. lead/live a happy/bitter/miserable life过着幸福/痛苦的生活

376. learn... by heart熟记,背

377. learn/ draw a lesson from .从...中吸 取教训

378. leave.. alone更不用 说

379. let alone 更不用说

380. let out 放出; 发出

381. lie in 在于

382. light-hearted= with a light heart带着轻松的心情

383. limit...to..=set a limit to限制

384. live on welfare吃救济

385. live up to the expectation不负众望

386. long for/to do渴望

387. look around环视; 向四周看

388. look back on回 顾

389. look down on/ upon轻视

390. look into调查, 观察.

391. look on(on-lookers旁观者)旁观

392. look through浏览; 核查;看穿,识破

393. look up to尊 敬

394. lose heart失去 信心

395. lose oneself in thought=be lost in thought 陷入沉思

396. major in 主修

397. make/ commit a mistake犯错

398. make/ earn a living谋生

399. make a decision 做决定

400. make a fortune发财

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