首页 栏目7 mainconcept


施工现场 | Construction site

园区鸟瞰 | Bird view


KSP Engel participated in the public bidding of the second phase of the Biomedical Enterprise Accelerator project in Pingshan District, Shenzhen, in May 2018 and was confirmed as the winner by September 2018. In a land area of 106,000 square meters, the second phase of the Biomedical Enterprise Accelerator has a total construction area of around 700,000 square meters. The campus has a total of 15 buildings. At present, the main structure except for the tower has been topped out, and some buildings are undergoing facade installation, which is expected to be put into use in 2023.


Architecture Design

项目地块 | Project site


The plot is in Pingshan District, the northeast area of Shenzhen, surrounded by dense biopharmaceutical industries. The wetland park between Phase I and II is one of the most important landscape nodes in accordance with Pingshan Urban Hydrology and Ecology Planning, with great potential of the urban landscape, creating a strong image with human scale, function and ecology.

总平面图 | Masterplan

概念图示 | Concept diagrams


The concept was generated taking into account the organic integration of the surrounding environment of the park and the site, as well as the dialogue with the first phase. The height of the buildings changes with the dynamic rhythm of the landscape platform, gradually rising from the park to the city side. The curved and folded volume optimizes the lighting and ventilation of interior conditions and increases the depth of the buildings. The efficient arrangement of the blocks ensures their facade along the main streets with higher visual transparency.

湿地公园 | Wetland park view


The green platform rises from the wetland park, connecting all buildings in the plot and becoming the core element of landscape & traffic throughout the project. The platform not only promotes the idea of ecology and sustainability but also creates a three-dimensional transportation system, ensuring rationality of the circulation and accessibility of the buildings.

功能布局 | Functional layout


Bio-medical accelerators are located in the center of the south side of the project, and the regular land massing not only ensures the efficiency of the plan, but also provides the possibility of flexible subleasing at a later stage. The medical equipment accelerators are organic, adjacent to the wetland park. Through retreat, cantilevering and other techniques, its volume is further dissolved, integrated into the landscape, and the quality of the interior space is improved. The two landmark buildings with lower podium buildings focus on R&D offices, dormitories, public facilities, park management and other functions, improving the convenience of the park through a one-stop service platform.

园区鸟瞰 | Bird view from west


As the project&39;s core concept, the large platform is also an essential landscape element with light and dynamic structure connecting the whole campus. Through the rational arrangement of the different needs, the logistics and vehicle traffic are hidden under the platform, ensuring a clean and friendly pedestrian above it.

空中走廊 | Skywalk


The main accesses of the buildings are located on the central platform with the public service functions scattered on it, maximizing the activation of the urban space and strengthening the functional connection between the first and second floors.

景观平台 | Landscape Platform


The wetland park is extended and connected with the platform overpassing the road, strengthening the people&39;s relationship to the natural environment and linked to the cultural and sports centre.

主要立面 | Main elevation


Ensuring the project&39;s integrity, the architectural form undergoes subtle changes, forming a relatively free and flexible landscape fa?ade on the park side and a regular rhythmic image on the south side, echoing the spatial qualities of both sides.

南侧街景 | South street view


With an overall composition based on black and white as the primary colour, which homogenizes the whole campus, the fa?ade and interior design are fully connected with a clear design strategy for each type of building.

医疗器械加速器 | Accelerator for medical equipment


The medical equipment accelerators emphasize their horizontality and connection with the lines of the wetland park through the white and black horizontal aluminium ribbons that strengthen the human scale and contrast the other high-rise buildings. The gradient on the facade due to the change in each floor&39;s black and white ribbon provides a lighting effect accentuating the dissolution of the building from the park. The louvres on the facade are aligned to the interior ceiling height, hiding the ventilation openings.

医疗设备楼大堂 | Lobby of Medical equipment building


The curves of the volume of the building come to the interior walls and lighting fixtures creating a pure, dynamic and clean white space. The anodized aluminium panels bring an industrial and modern feeling to the area, with the black louvres on the walls as an extension of the facade, amplifying their relationship. The note of colour on the reception counter, which follows the space&39;s dynamic, highlights the space and allows the visitors to recognize the building and floor number.

生物医药加速器 | Bio-medical accelerators


The rectangular shape of the Bio-medical accelerators facilitates the arrangement of the equipment, improving the efficiency and flexibility with a standard layout. That efficiency is the main concept for the facade design of the curtain wall by enhancing its verticality through the arrangement of standardized black and white aluminium panels. The different thicknesses of the panels strengthen the contrast of the facade due to its depth. The black horizontal ribbon frames the building at its base braces and highlights the lobby entrances as a pergola.

生物医药加速器大堂 | Lobby of Bio-medical accelerators


As a biomedical building, the interior design fulfils the requirements of being neutral and clean but with a strong character. The facade design is projected into the interior space using a similar composition to the walls cladding. The harmonic space is based on the white colour with the silver panels and the black as a contrast on the ceiling and other elements such as doors, counter desk and suspended lighting. The linear lighting design brings dynamism and movement into the space, guiding the people&39;s circulation around the building.

下沉广场 | Sunken plaza


The landmark ensemble towers, connected through a floating podium, adopt a modular fa?ade, interlaced white solid wall modules and dark windowed modules to form jumping longitudinal lines. The podium fa?ade structure is aligned with the towers to emphasize the sense of order on the city side.

“城市平台”大堂 | Lobby of the “city platform”


The &34;city platform&34; of the podium level is where the circulation routes converge in the central atrium, and the people can socialize. The circulation spaces and socializing zones are blended and interwoven, creating an open and relaxing environment and allowing people to socialize. Diverse yet flexible combinations of furniture inject vitality into the space and make it available for different activities and as a pre-function area for conventions and conference rooms.

超高层塔楼 | Super high-rise tower


The super high-rise tower of nearly 200 meters is currently the tallest architecture and a regional landmark with a rigorous yet restrained architectural language. The architectural expression further responds to the overall sense and extensibility of the building from the park with the transitional setbacks upward around it. The concise and clear general outline with a rich and varied facade texture presents the building to embody the vivid identity and unique spirit of a gathering place for new enterprises.

裙房立面 | Podium facade


The envelopes of the buildings consist of curtain-wall facades with coated aluminium for the mullions between the low-reflection insulating glazing, a design that ensures exemplary energy conservation. Following a rule of variation and combination based on a grid of 1.4m creates a unique visual effect by gradually altering the width of the aluminium mullions. Curved glazing at the southeast corner of the building adds to the ensemble&39;s character. With a loose density of aluminium mullions towards it, it enriches the expression of the building, creating a modest and pleasant frontage interface.

商业中庭 | Podium atrium


The interior design perfectly combines various design elements, and the commercial space responds to the biomedical attributes with a clean and bright design language, and interprets the sense of technology and the future through materials and space shapes. The design demonstrates the value of the landmark building in pursuit of high quality, as well as the project&39;s pursuit of high quality excellence.

南侧街景 | South street view


The facade lighting enhances the character of each building, strengthening the horizontal and verticality according to each typology. The lighting is indirect and integrated into the facade elements providing a homogenous image at different heights. The high rise buildings integrate linear lighting framing the volumes, related to the linear lighting at each floor level of the podiums on the corners of the campus.


Smart Campus


In addition, responding to the Smart Campus concept, the project integrates green and intelligent design principles for a better quality experience, more convenient maintenance, and higher management efficiency. The building&39;s Low-E glass enclosure brings in natural lighting during the day to reduce energy use and enhance the wellness of its occupants. Temperature sensing control provides a high-quality environment with moderate energy consumption. The water usage is significantly reduced through multiple measures such as rainwater collection, reused irrigation, and cooling for higher efficiency.


Biopharmaceutical Enterprises Accelerator combines nature and the city, connecting work, research and living in a green and sheltered setting with a green &34;campus&34; as an ecologically healthy and low-carbon sustainable space.


We hope that this will not only be the best industrial park in Shenzhen, but also represent the future of biopharmaceuticals around the world.


?Click the image below for more details about landscape design?

设计竞赛时间:2018年05月 - 08月





总建筑面积:约70万 m2


竞赛设计团队: Thomas Busse, Peter Feuerbach, Nadia Heredia, Marilena Ntouneta, Bartlomiej Markowski, Khalil Arbitar, Wenwen Liu, Xiangpeng Pan, 沈鸾音

实施阶段团队:Thomas Busse, Peter Feuerbach, Markus Lauber,梁华,Jose Antonio Vigara, 刘晓清,沈鸾音,张晶,黄延舟,张译丹,郑翔飞,黄钧琳



Competition: May 2018

Project Schedule: Completion in 2023

Bidder: Shenzhen Pingshan District Industrial Investment Service Co., Ltd.

Location: Shenzhen Pingshan District

Plot Area: ~106,000 m2

Total GFA: ~700,000 m2

Chief Architect: Jürgen Engel

Competition Team:Thomas Busse, Peter Feuerbach,Nadia Heredia, Marilena Ntouneta, Bartlomiej Markowski, Khalil Arbitar, Wenwen Liu, Xiangpeng Pan, Bird Shen

Development Design Team:Thomas Busse, Peter Feuerbach, Markus Lauber, Emily Liang, Jose Antonio Vigara,Xiaoqing Liu, Bird Shen, Jing Zhang, Steve Huang, Yidan Zhang, Xiangfei Zheng, Junlin Huang

Collaborator: Sinopharm Group Chongqing Pharmaceutical Design Institute Co., Ltd.

Wancheng Urban Design Research (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.


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