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I think, therefore I am

“我思故我在”是十七世纪法国哲学家笛卡儿提出的哲学命题。这一命题构成他的哲学理论的基石。笛卡儿在反对宗教权威和经院哲学的斗争中,提出“普遍怀疑”的口号,主张对以前当作真理接受下来的一切理论教条,都应进行一番普遍的怀疑,即把它们都提到理性面前接受审查,以找出“清楚明白”的观念作为立论的出发点。经过普遍怀疑后,笛卡儿推论说,尽管一切事物都可以怀疑,但有一件事是“清楚明白”、无可怀疑的,这就是“我在怀疑”这件事本身。“我在怀疑”说明“我在思想”。思想既然存在,作为思想的主体的我(精神的我)也必然存在。这样笛卡儿推导出这个他认为“清楚明白”确实可靠的命题:“我思故我在”。 他把这个命题称作自己哲学的“第一条原理”,作为他的哲学体系的基石。这个命题不是把思想的主体的存在当作思想活动的前提,而是从思想活动中推论出思想的主体,显然这完全是唯心主义的。他还把思想的主体,即“我思故我在”中的那个“我”规定为不依赖于任何物质,甚至也不依赖于身体的独立的精神实体,叫做“小灵”、“精神的我”。

I think, therefore I am (Descartes, France)

“I think,therefore I am” is a philosophical proposition put forward by Descartes, a French philosopher in the 17th century. This proposition constitutes the cornerstone of his philosophical theory. Descartes, in the struggle against religious authority and scholastic philosophy, put forward the slogan of &34;universal doubt&34;, and advocated that all theoretical dogmas that were accepted as truth should be subject to a universal doubt, that is, they should be put before reason for review, so as to find out the concept of &34;clear and distinct&34; as the starting point of argument. After general doubt, Descartes reasoned that although everything can be doubted, there is one thing that is &34;clear&34; and unquestionable, which is &34;I am doubting&34; itself. &34;I am doubting&34; means &34;I am thinking&34;. Since thought exists, as the subject of thought, I (spiritual I) must also exist. Descartes thus deduced the proposition that he believed was &34;clear and distinct&34; and reliable: &34;I think, therefore I am&34;. He called this proposition &34;the first principle&34; of his philosophy as the cornerstone of his philosophical system. This proposition does not regard the existence of the subject of thought as the premise of ideological activities, but infers the subject of thought from ideological activities, which is obviously idealistic. He also defined the subject of thought, that is, the &34;I&34; in &34;I think, therefore I am&34;, as an independent spiritual entity that does not depend on any substance, or even on the body, called &34;small spirits&34; and &34;spiritual I&34;.

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作者: tiger



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