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diplomatic diplomatic怎么记好记


An Unswerving Champion for Humanity’s Common Values


Qiu Ping


On October 23, a special press conference was held in the Grand Golden Chamber of the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, when the members of the newly-elected Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee appeared first time to the public. To the press, General Secretary Xi Jinping reaffirmed China’s enduring commitment to humanity’s common values, stating, “We will work together with the peoples across the world to champion peace, development, equity, justice, democracy, and freedom. We remain steadfast in quest of a global community of shared future through maintaining global peace and prosperity.”


Under the CPC leadership, the Chinese people are embarking on a historic journey into the new era. General Secretary Xi’s remarks on unswervingly promoting the global common values of humanity and the overall plan drawn up by the 20th CPC National Congress have outlined a vision for the world’s future, and offered views of China to live together with other countries of the world and to deal with common challenges facing the human society.


At present, the changes of the world, the changes of the times, and the changes in history are unfolding unprecedentedly. The historic trend for peace, development, cooperation and mutual benefit is irresistible, reflecting the universal desire, and boding a bright future for humanity. However, hegemonistic practices still prevail with the powerful bent on pushing a zero-sum agenda to bully and exploit the weak and vulnerable. With expanding deficits in peace, development, security and governance, the human society faces threats unseen in history. At this critical juncture, it is imperative for different cultures to identify and align with a set of shared values and form collective strength.


Great times call for great visions from great minds. The common values shared by humanity are the foundation of the value concept recognized universally by the world’s people beyond any ideological differences, social system variations and uneven levels of development. This complies well with the requirement of the times, and is another important theoretical achievement of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. It is also an elevation in the human intellectual history. The broad consensus it generates will spur human progress towards a global community of shared future.


Mencius, an ancient Chinese philosopher, said, “Start from a righteous position and walk a path of great virtues.” China not only advocates the shared values of humanity but also takes actions. China always believes that the world’s future should be shaped by all peoples. In the past decade of the new era, the CPC Central Committee with Xi Jinping at its core rolled out diplomatic policies accentuating China’s role as a major player and a unique contributor in international affairs to promote the building of a global community of shared future, safeguarding fairness and justice and rejecting unilateralism, protectionism and hegemonism. China is an active participant in the processes of global governance reform. It offers its experiences on how individual countries are to achieve modernization, as well as its insights and strengths to work out solutions to global challenges, peace and development. China will always be a force for good and an unswerving champion for the common values of humanity.


英文翻译:吴迪宇恪 陈靖怡 朱悦平 谭慧敏

审校:衣小伟 李晓琼

制作:张利英 连元



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