首页 栏目9 demonstrates proof和demonstrate

demonstrates proof和demonstrate

101. be opposed to(to为介词)=object to doing强烈反对做某事

eg:He was strongly opposed to the idea.


A lot of people will object to the book


102. be particular about=find fault with对....挑剔

103. be popular with/ among受某人欢迎

104. be present at 出席, 在场

105. be qualified for (a qualified teacher一位合格的老师)可胜任......

106. be (closely) related to= be concerned with与..... 息息相关

107. be resistant to...对..... 有抵抗能力

(resist the temptation of/ to do抵制诱惑)

108. be responsible for=take the responsibility for .对....负 责任

109. be reasonable in science有科学道理

110. be second to none第一,不次于任何人

111. be short of缺乏

112. be shocked/amazed/surprised/astonished at对...感到惊讶

113. be similar to...与...相似

114. be strict with sb./ in sth. ....严格

115. be trapped in被困于;陷入

116. be tired/worn out精疲力尽

117. be to blame for =blame sb. for sth=blame sth. on sb.为某事受到责备

118. be under guarantee在保修期内

119.be up to sb. to do由某人决定

120. be wild with joy欣喜若狂

121. be worth doing=be worthy of being done=it&39;s worthwhile to do值得做....

122. be worth the price物有所值

123. bear...in mind=keep .... in mind把....牢记在心

124. begin/start with ....开始

125. behave oneself行为检点、 守规矩

126. sb. benefit a lot from= sth. benefit sb. a lot受 益匪浅

127. beyond one&39;s power力所不及

within one&39;s power力所能及

128. beyond description/words难以描述

129. beyond all praises赞不绝口

131. break the law = be against the law 违法

(反)keep the law守法

132. bring... to an end 结束

133. bring sb. to justice依法惩处

134. bring about引起

135. bring up=raise抚养

136. bridge the generation gap缩小代沟

137. broaden one&39;s horizons拓宽视野

138. build up one&39;s confidence建立/树立信心

139. bump into= come across= run into=meet with撞上;碰见

140. burst into tears= burst out crying突然大哭

141. burn the midnight oil 加夜班

142. by accident=accidentally 意外地; 偶然

143. by means of 用,依靠

144. by mistake弄错

145. by no means= on no account=under no circumstance决不

146. by the dozen以打(十二个)计/ by the hour以小时计

147. by this means= in this way=in this manner=with this method用这种方法

148. call at sp.访问某地; call on sb 访问某人

eg:Sofia was intending to call on Miss Kitts.


149. call for 要求;需要

150. call off= cancel取消

151. can&39;t afford to do无法承担

152. can&39;t help doing=can&39;t help but do情不自禁

153. can&39;t bear doing=can’t stand doing无法忍受

154. care about 关心、介意

155. carry out sth=perform sth.执行; 实施,

156. catch one&39;s eye= arouse one&39;s attention引起注意

157. catch up with赶上

158. catch a cold感冒

159. cause great loss to 造成重大损失

160. change for the better 好转=change for the worse恶化

161. cheer up 使高兴;高兴起来

162. civil rights 公民权利

163. claim to do=it is claimed that声称

164. clean =tidy up 打扫干净

165. clear up 澄清; (天气)变晴

166. collect money= raise money筹集资金

167. combine... with...把..... ...结合起来

168. come into existence=come into being产生、 成立

169. come to a conclusion=arrive at a conclusion =draw a conclusion=reach a conclusion 得出结论

170. come to realize逐渐意识到

171. come up with 提出

172. comment on =make comments on评论

173. commit a crime 犯罪

174. common knowledge常识

175. compare A with B 把A和B比较; compare A to B 把A比喻成B

176. compete with 与....相竞争;fierce competition 激烈竞争

177. communicate the ideas to sb. 向某人传达

178. complain to sb. about sth.向某人抱怨、投诉某事

179. completely differ from 与....截然不同

180. concentrate on=focus one&39;s attention on集中精力在....

181. conduct a survey (the survey indicates/reveals/shows/suggests/demonstrates 研究表明)做个调查

182.confuse A with B把A和B混淆

183. congratulate sb. on sth.因某事 祝贺某人

184. consider/regard/see/view/look on/think of... (as/ to be) 把....看作.

185. consult sb. about sth.向... 咨询...

186. contribute to 有助于

187. contrary to one&39;s hope=contrary to one’s will事与愿违

188. convince sb. of sth./that使某 人相信某事

189. cooperate with sb.和某人合作

190. cope with= deal with=tackle对付,应付,处理

191.count on=rely on依靠, 指望

192. cover a long distance 走了很长一段路

193. cut down on减少

194. cut off 切断;断绝

195. current situation 当前形势

196. cultivate the habit of=develop a habit of=get into the habit of养成...习惯

197. cure sb. of a bad habit 改正不良习惯

198. date back to=be traced back追 溯到

199. deliver a speech发表演讲

200. defend one&39;s rights捍卫权利

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作者: tiger



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