首页 栏目3 responsiblefor dispose

responsiblefor dispose

武汉2月17日起开展为期3天的集中拉网式大排查,确保应收尽收,坚决遏制新型冠状病毒疫情扩散蔓延。城内所有社区必须挨家挨户对确诊患者、疑似患者和密切接触者进行排查。各级党员干部要以对人民高度负责的态度,做到“不漏一户、不漏一人”。Authorities in Wuhan launched a three-day campaign on Monday to screen people in order to leave no one unattended and curb the spread of the novel coronavirus. All residential communities throughout the city are required to be checked door-to-door to identify infected people, suspected cases and those who have close contact with the infected people. Officials are urged to be highly responsible for people's health, and "leave no household, no one behind "during the screening process.





Epidemic prevention and control work has entered a critical stage that requires stringent efforts. We should focus on priorities without any let-up and strengthen prevention and control in areas where the epidemic situation is particularly serious or at greater risk.



增强收治能力raise the hospital admission capacity

提高救治水平improve treatment for patients

社区疫情防控 community-based epidemic prevention and control


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作者: tiger



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