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increasingly increasingly搭配

Word of the Day:June 28, 2022



adjective /FULL-sum/ [?f?ls?m]

What It Means

Fulsome can be a positive term, as when it&39;s used to mean &34;abundant, copious,&34; or &34;full and well developed,&34; but it has negative meanings too, such as &34;overdone&34; and &34;excessively flattering.&34;

Fulsome 可以是积极的含义,用于“丰富的”或“富裕且发达”时,它也有消极的含义,例如“过度”和“过度奉承”。

FULSOME in Context

&34;The county executive isn&39;t opposed in principle to bonds for housing, but thinks county leaders need to have a more fulsome discussion about tradeoffs such debt would require.&34; — Dan Brendel, The Washington (D.C.) Business Journal, 10 May 2022

“The county 在原则上并不反对发行房屋债券,但认为 county leaders 需要就这类债务的需求进行更充分的权衡讨论。”

While most of the speeches expressed sincere appreciation for the outgoing CEO&39;s leadership, some were dense with fulsome and cringeworthy accolades.

尽管大多数人演讲都对即将离任的 CEO 表示了诚挚的感谢,但也有一些人充满了过多的赞誉。

Did You Know?

In the 19th century, fulsome was mostly a literary term used disapprovingly to describe excessive, insincere praise and flattery. This meaning is still current, but since the early 20th century fulsome has been increasingly used with far more positive meanings, among them “abundant, copious” and “full and well developed.” The result is some amount of confusion: a phrase like “fulsome praise” used today without clarifying context may rightly be understood to mean either “abundant praise” or “excessive and obsequious praise.” While some critics object to the pleasanter meanings of fulsome, they are in fact true to the word’s origins: when it was first used in the 14th century fulsome meant “abundant, copious.”

在 19 世纪,fulsome 主要指文学术语,不以为然的过多描述、不真诚的赞美和奉承。 这个含义仍然流行,但自 20 世纪初以来,fulsome 越来越多地被用于更积极的含义,其中包括“abundant, copious「丰富的」”和“ full and well developed「富裕且发达」”。 这一结果造成了一定程度的混乱:在没有阐明上下文的情况下,今天使用的“fulsome praise”这样的短语可能被正确地理解为“abundant praise「更多的赞美」”或“excessive and obsequious praise「过度的称赞」”。 虽然一些评论家反对 fulsome 更令人愉快的含义,但他们实际上还是忠实于这个词的起源:当它在 14 世纪首次出现时,fulsome 的意思是“abundant、copious「丰富的」”。

Name That Synonym

Fill in the blanks to create a synonym of fulsome that means &34;excessively flattering&34;: hagi _ _ ra _ _ ic.


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作者: tiger



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