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中兴v889d recovery recovery中文翻译

2020-05-22 23:51:16

(回复1298 转发3481 点赞10980)


We need @KarenHandel back in Congress to fight for the incredible people of Georgia! She is a tremendous advocate for our Military, Vets, Border Security and the Second Amendment. Karen has my Complete and Total Endorsement! GA06

2020-05-22 23:36:31

(回复1108 转发4275 点赞14016)


Sean (@SeanParnellUSA) has my Complete and Total Endorsement! PA17

2020-05-22 23:35:19

(回复1178 转发3878 点赞12153)


Congressman Mike Kelly (@MikeKellyforPA) is an incredible advocate for Pennsylvania! He fights to Lower your Taxes, Create Jobs, Protect our Borders, and Defend the Second Amendment. Mike has my Complete and Total Endorsement! PA16

2020-05-22 23:25:16

(回复1043 转发3888 点赞12439)


Congressman Lloyd Smucker (@LloydSmuckerPA) is working hard for the people of Pennsylvania! Lloyd strongly supports the Second Amendment, and he’s fighting for our incredible Workers, Military and Vets. Lloyd has my Complete and Total Endorsement! PA11 http://secure.winred.com/origin/smucker-for-congress/donate

2020-05-22 23:13:56

(回复1091 转发4072 点赞12648)

国会议员Dan Meuser(@Meuser4Congress)是宾夕法尼亚州的一位大力拥护者!丹热爱我们的军队、兽医和第二修正案,这是我们《马加议程》的真正支持者。丹得到了我的全力支持!2009年

Congressman Dan Meuser (@Meuser4Congress) is a tremendous advocate for Pennsylvania! Dan loves our Military, Vets and the Second Amendment – a real supporter of our MAGA agenda. Dan has my Complete and Total Endorsement! PA09

2020-05-22 23:12:56

(回复889 转发4087 点赞12254)


Lisa Scheller (@SchellerforPA) will fight for the incredible people of Pennsylvania in Congress! She strongly supports our Military, Vets, Small Businesses and the Second Amendment. Lisa has my Complete and Total Endorsement! PA07

2020-05-22 23:11:59

(回复748 转发4061 点赞12590)

艾希礼·辛森(@Hinson Ashley)将是爱荷华州人民的伟大拥护者!她将为我们的军队、兽医、小企业和令人难以置信的农民而战,这是我们“MAGA议程”的真正支持者!艾希礼得到了我完全的支持!IA01号

Ashley Hinson (@hinsonashley) will be a tremendous advocate for the People of Iowa! She will fight for our Military, Vets, Small Businesses, & our Incredible Farmers—a true supporter of our MAGA Agenda! Ashley has my Complete and Total Endorsement! IA01

2020-05-22 23:10:41

(回复3317 转发6941 点赞18972)

3年前,杰夫·塞申斯(Jeff Sessions)自我回避后,欺诈性的穆勒骗局开始了。阿拉巴马州,不要相信杰夫·塞申斯。他辜负了我们的国家。这就是我支持汤米·图伯维尔教练的原因,他是我们《玛加议程》的真正支持者!http://secure.winred.com/origin/tommytuberville/捐赠

3 years ago, after Jeff Sessions recused himself, the Fraudulent Mueller Scam began. Alabama, do not trust Jeff Sessions. He let our Country down. That’s why I endorsed Coach Tommy Tuberville (@TTuberville), the true supporter of our MAGA agenda! http://secure.winred.com/origin/tommytuberville/donate

2020-05-22 22:46:25

(回复2737 转发7271 点赞28692)


.@deanbaquet is to be seriously respected. He has long been considered one of the dumbest men in the world of journalism, and he became Executive Editor of the Failing New York Times. Not easy to do. He has given up on “figuring Trump out”. Called it all wrong from the....

2020-05-22 22:29:43

(回复1374 转发5355 点赞21454)


I am proud to announce that the Maryland Aviation Administration (@MdAviation) will receive $87.8M in CARES Act Airport Grants funding to support aviation and keep commerce moving at this important gateway to the U.S. Capital Region. Very important for economic recovery!

2020-05-22 20:22:07

(回复7008 转发19701 点赞62239)



2020-05-22 19:46:45

(回复4717 转发15351 点赞46650)


THANK YOU! RollingToRemember http://twitter.com/origin/amvetshq/status/1263876767359602693

2020-05-22 14:44:12

(回复21221 转发19461 点赞83877)


Why doesn’t @FoxNews put up the CNBC POLL or the (believe it or not!) @CNN Poll? Hope Roger A is looking down and watching what has happened to this once beautiful creation!

2020-05-22 14:39:10

(回复8798 转发12481 点赞47468)


.@FoxNews should fire their Fake Pollster. Never had a good Fox Poll!

2020-05-22 05:13:18

(回复10207 转发16002 点赞78287)


Thank you!

2020-05-22 03:20:42

(回复18543 转发26718 点赞108086)


Do nothing A.G. of the Great State of Michigan, Dana Nessel, should not be taking her anger and stupidity out on Ford Motor - they might get upset with you and leave the state, like so many other companies have - until I came along and brought business back to Michigan. JOBS!

2020-05-22 03:14:05

(回复18734 转发28066 点赞113901)

密歇根州古怪的“无所事事”司法部长达娜·内塞尔(Dana Nessel)恶毒地威胁福特汽车公司,说我没有戴口罩就检查了一家通风设备厂。不是他们的错,我戴了面具。难怪很多汽车公司离开密歇根,直到我来了!

The Wacky Do Nothing Attorney General of Michigan, Dana Nessel, is viciously threatening Ford Motor Company for the fact that I inspected a Ventilator plant without a mask. Not their fault, & I did put on a mask. No wonder many auto companies left Michigan, until I came along!

2020-05-22 02:40:53

(回复6085 转发12534 点赞51453)


USA will be bigger and stronger than ever before!

2020-05-22 02:29:55

(回复16157 转发32173 点赞140879)


Is this even possible to believe? Can this be for real? Where is this nursing home, how is the victim doing?

2020-05-22 23:54:19

(回复2857 转发5207 点赞15486)

海军上将Ronny Jackson(@RonnyJackson4TX)是一位非常成功的医生和海军老兵,在TX13参加国会竞选。他对犯罪,边境和农业都很在行,他爱我们的兽医!罗尼得到了我完全的支持!投票给罗尼!

Admiral Ronny Jackson (@RonnyJackson4TX) is a very successful doctor and Navy Veteran running for Congress in TX13. Strong on Crime, the Border and Agriculture — and he loves our Vets! Ronny has my Complete and Total Endorsement! Vote for Ronny!

2020-05-22 23:50:12

(回复969 转发3542 点赞11120)


Congressman Guy Reschenthaler (@reschenthaler) is doing tremendous work for the people of Pennsylvania! A Navy veteran, Guy strongly supports our Vets, Borders, and always votes to uphold the Rule of Law. Guy has my Complete and Total Endorsement! PA14

2020-05-22 23:49:37

(回复699 转发3142 点赞9870)

国会议员John Joyce(@johnjoycheforpa)是宾夕法尼亚联邦的斗士!约翰热爱我们的兽医、军队和小企业,总是捍卫生命和第二修正案。约翰得到了我的完全赞同!第13页http://secure.winred.com/origin/johnjoyce/contribute网站

Congressman John Joyce (@JohnJoyceForPA) is a fighter for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania! John loves our Vets, Military and Small Businesses and always defends Life and the Second Amendment. John has my Complete and Total Endorsement! PA13 http://secure.winred.com/origin/johnjoyce/contribute

2020-05-22 23:34:31

(回复655 转发3190 点赞10030)

国会议员弗雷德·凯勒(Fred Keller,@VoteFredKeller)自特别选举以来,一直在国会做着出色的工作!他坚决支持我们的兽医、小企业、工人和第二修正案。弗雷德得到了我的完全支持!第12页http://secure.winred.com/origin/fredkeller/invate/捐赠

Congressman Fred Keller (@VoteFredKeller) has been doing a phenomenal job in Congress since his special election! He strongly supports our Vets, Small Businesses, Workers, and the Second Amendment. Fred has my Complete and Total Endorsement! PA12 http://secure.winred.com/origin/fredkeller/donate

2020-05-22 23:34:22

(回复587 转发3209 点赞10087)


Congressman Glenn “GT” Thompson (@GT_TeamGT) is a hard worker for Pennsylvania! The &34;Dean of the Delegation&34;, he strongly supports our incredible Farmers, Vets and the Second Amendment. “GT” has my Complete and Total Endorsement! PA15

2020-05-22 23:31:49

(回复746 转发3657 点赞11429)


Congressman Scott Perry (@PatriotsPerry) is an incredible fighter for Pennsylvania! He served our country as an Army General and now he fights for our Seniors, Vets, Military, and the Second Amendment. Scott has my Complete and Total Endorsement! PA10

2020-05-22 23:12:27

(回复689 转发3880 点赞12021)

大卫杨(@Young for Iowa)是爱荷华州的冠军!他帮助我们通过特朗普减税法案,他将永远为我们的小企业、军队、第二修正案和我们伟大的农民而战!大卫得到了我的完全支持!IA03标准http://secure.winred.com/origin/davidyoung/invate/捐赠

David Young (@YoungForIowa) is a champion for Iowa! He helped us pass the Trump Tax Cuts and he will always fight for our Small Businesses, Military, the Second Amendment and our Great Farmers! David has my Complete & Total Endorsement! IA03 http://secure.winred.com/origin/davidyoung/donate

2020-05-22 22:46:28

(回复2437 转发6148 点赞25649)


....beginning, was forced to apologize (Fake News!) after the seriously wrong call of the 2016 Election, and is now willing to write anything, even if not truthful. He laughs at his boss, Publisher A.G. Sulzberger, and I laugh at them all. The @nytimes is a total mess!

2020-05-22 22:31:04

(回复2175 转发6665 点赞27331)


$49.8M is on its way to @DallasLoveField Airport to aid in economic recovery. This Federal funding will support aviation in the Dallas area & keep aviation workers on the job & commerce moving at one of our important medium hub airports. Proud to support our friends in Dallas!

2020-05-22 04:31:10

(回复4352 转发12025 点赞45443)



2020-05-22 02:43:36

(回复6500 转发17428 点赞60855)


No Voter Fraud!

2020-05-22 02:15:48

(回复8898 转发13600 点赞53569)


“President Trump is leading Joe Biden (D) in the battleground state of Pennsylvania 50.2 percent to 45.5 percent...This is significant, as it reflects a 4.7 percent jump from the previous survey.”

2020-05-22 01:34:51

(回复30071 转发34211 点赞231664)


96% Approval Rating in the Republican Party. Thank you!

2020-05-22 01:23:30

(回复2367 转发12603 点赞48440)


Big day for JUSTICE. Congratulations John!

2020-05-22 01:04:23

(回复8699 转发14141 点赞67346)



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作者: tiger



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