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famous是什么意思 famous 翻译

&34;famous&34; and &34;popular.&34;都是形容词。它们似乎相似,但是意思差别很大。




例如: Taylor Swift is a famous singer-songwriter.





我们也可以用Popular谈论人,例如there are &34;popular students&34; at school.这些人通常被班上很多人喜欢,尽管他不是名人。校外的人可能根本不知道他。



Famous and popular are both adjectives. The words may seem similar, but their meanings are very different.

Let&39;s start with famous.


&34;Famous&34; means known or recognized by many people. We often use the word when describing people.

For example, movie actors, singers and professional athletes can be described as famous.

For example: Taylor Swift is a famous singer-songwriter.

Some famous people are known to people around the world. Others may be famous in their home country.

Places can be famous, too. For example, the Eiffel Tower in France and the pyramids in Egypt are very famous.


Now let&39;s talk about popular. &34;Popular&34; means liked or enjoyed by many people.

One way we use &34;popular&34; is to talk about trends like &34;popular fashion&34; or &34;popular styles.&34;

For example:

The bucket hat was a popular trend in the 1990s, and now younger generations are wearing it again today.

We also use popular to talk about people. For example, there are &34;popular students&34; at school. These people are generally well-liked by people in their class. They are not famous, though. People outside of the school probably do not know who they are.

Places can also be described as popular. If we describe a place as popular, we mean a lot of people like to go there.

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