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一般过去时的结构 一般过去时的结构和标志

1. 一般过去时的定义


常与过去时间状语如yesterday(昨天),two days ago(两天前),last year(去年),the other day(前几天),once upon a time(过去曾经),just now(刚才),in the old days(过去的日子里)等连用。

eg:My parents got married in1960.我父母于1960年结婚。



eg: Where did you grow up? 你是在哪儿长大的?



‘am, is ’的过去式是was;‘ are’ 的过去式是 were。

eg: She was late for school last Monday. 她上周一上学迟到了。

(2) 行为动词:主语+行为动词的过去式+(其它)。

eg:My father got up early yesterday. 我的爸爸昨天很早就起床了。


1.He often ________ (have) dinner at home.

2.We often _______(play) in the playground.

3.He _______(get) up yesterday.

4. Nancy _____ (pick) up oranges on the farm last week.

5. I ________ (make) a model ship with Mike yesterday.

6. They ________ (play) chess in the classroom last PE lesson.

7. My mother _______ (cook) a nice food last Spring.

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作者: tiger



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